Don’t know where to start when prepping for your P-Annual report submission? Please see the list of Student Information System (SIS) housekeeping items below that we have compiled to make this process a smooth one:

- Ensure that all new students have been added to your SIS
- Ensure that all students who are no longer attending have been transferred out properly from your SIS
- Ensure all students have a class enrollment. Students without class enrollments do not collect ADA and can negatively impact the overall attendance totals
- Ensure all students have a class enrollment. Students without class enrollments do not collect ADA and can negatively impact the overall attendance totals
- Ensure that students who should not be included in ADA calculations are properly excluded from ADA state reporting
- For schools who report Basic Aid, ensure that all students have been coded to a District of Residence
- Confirm that attendance is being recorded in all periods that count towards ADA on your bell schedule/calendar
- Run attendance reports and verify their accuracy
- or schools claiming non-classroom based ADA, ensure that you have recorded attendance in a manner that distinguishes non-classroom based ADA. Note: 100% Independent Study Programs do not have to do this