
See what our partners have to say about CSMC.

"CSMC has consistently brought new funding opportunities to us to see if we want to apply or if we are eligible. Because of this thoughtful and thorough approach to supporting our mission and vision CSMC has identified many state and federal funding opportunities that align with our values and significantly increased our revenue sources.

CSMC also always takes the time to explain all reporting requirements, timelines and expense constraints to ensure that we are meeting all regulations."

Karina Barger- Head of School
Bayview Academy

"Undeniably it is the personalized and personable customer service! We always feel like we are their only client, even though we know that isn't true! They are fast and responsive and often weeks ahead of the reminders that we've set for ourselves when it comes to compliance documents!

When there is something that needs to be investigated further, they are responsive and quick to come back to us with additional information or clarifications."

Jessica Allen - Head of School
IS Monterey
"Unwinding legislation and funding in the State of California could be someone's full-time job. CSMC makes everything digestible and keep us ahead of the game. We make fewer mistakes and stay in compliance. No small feat."
Clem Lee - Superintendent
Able Charter School
"CSMC provides a uniquely qualified team who are truly vested in their client's success. They build solid relationships through the work ethic of the staff and the commitment to their clients.

It is extremely refreshing to know there is always someone who will take your call, manage your business as if it were their own and who is a true partner.
Lisa Fishman - Chief Operations Officer
Compass Charter Schools
"The experience and knowledge that [CSMC] brings to our schools have helped us expand beyond our imagination - we are up to 6 schools!"
Tim Wolf | Executive Director
King Chavez Public Schools
"CSMC offers flexible and accurate services - there is no limit to their attentiveness and care for the success of our school."
"The availability of CSMC to communicate details even at separate instances than just board meetings is above what I have experienced from other providers. They are truly an extension of our operation."
Tanya Rogers - Board President
Julian Charter Schools